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Honor Code

San Domenico Upper School Honor Code


The honor code articulates an accountable, school-wide commitment to the creation of an environment rooted in integrity and dedicated to the shared goal of achieving a culture of respect and trust. It entrusts students, faculty, and administration with the duty of monitoring their own actions and assumes they will conduct themselves responsibly and respectfully. It acknowledges that the students are members of a larger community and stresses the importance of considering the effects of individual words and actions on the community. The honor code strengthens the sense of unity and responsibility among San Domenico affiliates by creating a common behavioral standard to which students, faculty, and administration comply with both in and outside the classroom. Above all else, the honor code ensures the protection of the fundamental right to a safe, supportive, and productive living and learning environment deserving of all members of the San Domenico community.

Standards of Conduct

  1. Above all else, I will regard myself, others, and the school community as a whole with the utmost respect.
  2. I will strive to practice and to expect of others honesty and integrity in both the academic and social setting.
  3. I accept full responsibility for my words and deeds both on and off campus.
  4. I agree to use school property and equipment appropriately.
  5. I commit myself to speaking only that which is true.
  6. I will respect the personal property of others.
  7. I will not give or receive unauthorized aid during the completion of any academic work in the form of cheating, plagiarism, or other means of academic dishonesty.
  8. I pledge to help create and sustain a more tolerant community.
  9. By accepting membership into the San Domenico community, I consent to uphold the rules and regulations established by the school
  10. By signing this pledge, I vow to uphold this code and oblige myself to instill its values in all those around me.

The Pledge

By accepting membership into San Domenico, I understand I am obligated both to uphold and model standards of behavior as established by the San Domenico Upper School Honor Code. I pledge to be responsible for my beliefs and actions and to conduct myself in a way that exemplifies integrity, civility, and respect toward others. I pledge that my actions will be thoughtful and ethical so that I may contribute to the creation of a more positive San Domenico community.

Derived from the Connecticut College Honor Code and the Athenian Oath