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SD Class Outings



At San Domenico the back to school season also means students participate in outings. For our Lower School students, outings take the form of on-campus activities. For Middle and Upper School students, outings are like mini rites of passage.

Planned according to developmental stages, sixth through twelfth grade students white water raft down the American River, head south to kayak the Santa Cruz Bay or North to Lake Sonoma, tackle a challenging ropes course through the redwoods of Occidental, and reflect in the perfection of Point Reyes, and more. These trips build upon our core value of community and help both new and returning students bond over shared experiences. The experiences create lasting memories, and help to establish crucial ties that make a strong community even stronger.


Kindergarten through eighth grade students participate in countless outings for service projects in nearby towns and cities. Many of our Upper School students opt to travel for their Real Opportunities for Service in Education Projects. Affectionately called the ROSE Project, these are service learning projects that are required for graduation but here at SD, they are more than a requirement. They represent the coming together of years of inquiry and conversation in Ethics, Philosophy, and Global Studies classes where students explore subjects such as food systems, climate change, orphan tourism, etc. and then choose an area to further study and serve. ROSE Projects represent the depth of our community culture and commitment to service. Some students travel regionally, while others travel to other parts of the United States, and others choose to serve in countries such as Nigeria, China, or Vietnam.


San Domenico teachers love to learn as much as they love to teach. Each spring 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade teachers lead students for a week of Spring Discovery, during which they explore regional adventure, such as going to Santa Catalina Island, or travel together to explore subjects of interest. This often extends to summer, when an Upper School teacher may organize, for example, a trip to Yellowstone for a biology research project, to Yosemite for a pilgrimage, or to Washington D.C. for some legislative learning in our Nation's capital.

The opportunities for outings at San Domenico vary year to year as teachers respond to student interest and current goings on locally and beyond.