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Ancient Greece Research Assignment

Guidelines and Requirements


Select from a list of topics or choose your own topic (must be approved by teacher). Be sure to choose a topic that interests you so that you enjoy the process.


The research assignment is made up of 3 parts and each part will receive a separate grade:

  • Research Notes - 30 points

  • Research Paper in MLA format (including Works Cited page) - 45 points

  • Presentation (key facts and personal reflection) - 20 points

Research Notes - Due Monday, April 30

  • Bullets with key words and phrases in your own words
  • Record your notes on paper or digital document provided by teacher

Research Paper (5 paragraphs) - Due Tuesday, May 8 / 9 (6-1)

  • Introduction: Includes background and general information about the topic and a thesis statement introducing your three subtopic paragraphs.
  • Subtopics: Three paragraphs each with a topic and concluding sentence.
  • Conclusion / Significance: Restate your thesis with mention of the significance. Why is your topic important? How did it impact Greek life? Did it impact the modern world? If so, how?

Presentation - Due Tuesday, May 8 / 9 (6-1)

  • Two-slide Presentation - Google Slides, Keynote, Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.
    • Slide 1 - an image and important / interesting facts
    • Slide 2 - personal reflection on the process - one success and one area for improvement
  • 1 minute presentation to class


You are required to use five sources for your research paper (they will all be listed on your Works Cited page).

  • Print - book or magazine (from public or SD library) - at least one

Note: Random Google searches are discouraged….first try to use the provided links. Wikipedia may not be used as a source on your Works Cited page, but it would be a good page to review for general background information as you start researching your topic.

Citing your Sources

You are required to keep track of your sources (content and images) and include a Works Cited page. We will work on this in class; be sure to keep track of your sources as you do your research. Here’s a guide: Works Cited/Bibliography Link.


April 18/19: Ancient Greece Research Assignment introduced (choose your top 3 topics)

April 19/20: Research topic drawing - familiarize yourself with your topic

April 24-27: Research topic in class

April 30: Research Notes Due

April 30 - May 4: Write paragraphs and complete Works Cited page in class

May 7: Create short presentation and finish final touches on research paper

May 8/9 (6-1): Research Paper due - One-minute class presentations

May 10 (6-3) /11: Greek Symposium and celebration in class - more information to come

May 16: Legion of Honor Field Trip - Past and Present - looking for parent chaperones

List of Possible Topics

Farming and Food in Ancient Greece

The Acropolis

Greek Arts

Early Greek Civilizations (prehistoric)

Greek Architecture

City States of Ancient Greece

Greek Warfare and Weapons

Government in Athens

The Trojan War

Classic Themes or Scenes from the Odyssey

Greco-Persian Wars

Alexander the Great and Greek Expansion

Peloponnesian War

Greek Holidays and Festivals

Greek Myths

Greek Religion in Everyday Life

Greek Gods and Goddesses

Women in Ancient Greece

Daily Life in Ancient Greece

Children in Ancient Greece

Greek Religion

Slavery in Ancient Greece

The Greek Games

Greek Travel and Trade

Scientific Discoveries

Greek Literature

Ancient Greek Impact on Modern World

Greek Theater

Greek Philosophers

Greek City States

Greek Medicine

Greek Colonies

Mathematics in Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece Research Assignment Rubrics

Note-taking ____/30 (Classwork and Homework)






Notes are recorded and organized in the notes document using bullets & short phrases in student’s own words

Notes are mostly

organized in the

document with

bullets and short

phrases often in student’s own words.

Some notes are recorded, but do not follow the format.

Notes are


Source Use and Citations

Suggested internet links, videos and books are used and recorded.

Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information.

Occasionally able to use suggested internet links to find information.

Never uses suggested internet links to find information.


Notes include several pieces of information and examples for each subtopic.

Notes include two pieces of information and examples for each subtopic.

Notes include one piece of information and few examples for each subtopic.

Notes are incomplete.

Written Paragraphs ____/45 (Assessments and Projects)





Written Format

Paragraphs are

completed using the required format. The information is

accurate and written in the student's own



mostly reflect the required format and are written in the student’s own words.

Paragraphs somewhat reflect the required format, and are .

Paragraphs are incomplete and do not follow the format.

Quality of Information

Information clearly

relates to main

topic and subtopics. It includes

several supporting

details and/or


Information mostly relates to main topic and subtopics. It includes some supporting details and/or examples.

Information some- what relates to the main topic and subtopics. Few details and/or examples are


Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.

Works Cited Page

All required sources have been used and are clearly

documented in the required format.

All required sources have been used and are mostly documented in the required format.

Most required sources have been used but do not follow required format.

Some sources included but not accurately formatted.

Presentation ____/20 (Assessments and Projects)





Prepared- ness

Student is

completely pre- pared and has clearly rehearsed.

Student seems

mostly prepared but needed more rehearsal.

Student is somewhat prepared.

Student is unprepared to present.

Posture and Eye Contact

Stands up straight, looks relaxed and

confident. Makes eye contact with


Stands up straight and makes eye contact with



Slouches and/or

does not make eye contact.


Presentation slides

are complete with significant content and visual.

Presentation slides

are mostly complete with content and visual.

Slides have a visual and some information.

The slides are


Listens to Other Presen- tations

Listens intently.

Does not make

distracting noises or movements.

Listens intently but

makes one or two

distracting noises or movements.

Sometimes does not appear to be

listening but is not


Does not appear to be listening and distracts others.